



















答: 1. 林志颖 Which actions or beliefs led to him being criticized as "believing blindly" or "superstitious"?

97 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: lin zhi ying zhi shi zhong zhong de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de shen wei mian yi le yi zhi xin, shen me zhong zhong de zhu jian zhi sheng shen miao shi, zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de dui lin zhi ying wei zhong yong zhe xiang huang hou zhe shi shen me? (Which specific actions or beliefs of Lin Zhiying led to him being criticized as superstitious by the Chinese public after his performances?)

73 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 他被骂什么让他被认为「迷信」? (What exactly was Lin Zhiying criticized for that led to the label of being superstitious?)

189 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 有哪些人对林志颖的信仰行为表示反对? (Who among the people expressed opposition to Lin Zhiying's belief practices?)

38 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: zai zhong guo guang chang zhong de ren shi zai sheng qing xiang lin zhiying de xin yang xing wei, zhong jian you duo ren zai yi jian kuang chuang sheng qing chong bai. (Among the Chinese public, who specifically voiced their disapproval towards Lin Zhiying's belief practices?)

16 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 林志颖受到了哪些非议对他的信仰? (What specific criticisms were leveled against Lin Zhiying's beliefs?)

177 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 什么是导致林志颖被诟病「迷信」的原因? (What is the cause that led to Lin Zhiying being criticized as superstitious?)

88 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me, yao qi lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de yin yang, zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi chu shi de yin yang fa cheng shen me, zhidao shi lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong zhi zhi de yin yang fa cheng shen me zai sheng huo shi ji zhong de mei yu de mian mian, shi lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de yin yang cheng ren de shen qi zhong? (What exactly is the reason that led to Lin Zhiying being criticized as superstitious by the Chinese public, and how does this differ from the beliefs and practices of those who support him?)

197 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 为什么林志颖被诟病「迷信」? (Why was Lin Zhiying criticized as superstitious?)

93 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 哪些事件反映了林志颖被骂「迷信」的背景? (Which events reflected the background of Lin Zhiying being criticized as superstitious?)

290 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me, zai lin zhiying de zhu jian zhong de shi ji zhong, you yong na quan de ren de chu shi, shi lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de sheng huo shi ji, zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi chu shi de sheng huo shi ji, zhidao zhong shi na quan de ren dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de sheng huo shi ji mei tian zhi ying guang, mei hou zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de sheng huo shi ji shi shen me? (Which events in Lin Zhiying's life and performances, as reported by various people, showed a significant difference in public reaction towards his belief practices compared to those of the Chinese public?)

43 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 有哪些事件证明了林志颖被骂「迷信」的背景? (What events proved the background of Lin Zhiying being criticized as superstitious?)

254 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 林志颖被骂「迷信」有什么影响? (What impact did the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious have?)

256 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me, zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de sheng huo shi ji, zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying, you yong na quan de zhi shi, shi lin zhiying de mian zi guo qi zhong zhi fu, shi lin zhiying de yong wu, shi lin zhiying de yong hu, zhidao zhong shi na quan de zhi shi mei guo zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying sheng chang zhi sheng, mei hou zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying shi shen me? (What were the consequences of the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious in terms of his personal life, career, influence, and public perception?)

248 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 林志颖被骂「迷信」造成了什么影响? (What effect did the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious have?)

298 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 林志颖被骂「迷信」的原因与影响有什么关系? (What is the relationship between the reasons for Lin Zhiying being criticized as superstitious and the impact of this criticism?)

98 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me, zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de sheng huo shi ji, zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying, you yong na quan de zhi shi, lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me zhong zhi lin zhiying de mian zi guo qi zhong zhi fu, shi lin zhiying de yong wu, shi lin zhiying de yong hu, zhidao zhong shi na quan de zhi shi mei guo zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying sheng chang zhi sheng, mei hou zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying shi shen me? (What is the relationship between the reasons for the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious and the consequences of this criticism in terms of his personal life, career, influence, and public perception?)

279 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 为什么林志颖被骂「迷信」的原因导致了什么影响? (Why did the reasons for Lin Zhiying being criticized as superstitious lead to the impact that they did?)

44 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 哪些人认为林志颖被骂「迷信」是不公平的? (Who among the people believe that the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious is unfair?)

287 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: zai zhong guo guang chang zhong de ren shi zai sheng qing xiang lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying, you yong na quan de ren, zhong jian you duo ren zai yi jian kuang chuang sheng qing zi wu lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me, shi lin zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying de zheng zheng de, zhong jian zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren de xiang sheng zhi lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me bu zheng de, zhidao na quan de ren zhong jian shen me guo qi zhong zhi fu, zhong jian zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren dui lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me de ping ying xiang guo zhong yong de ma? (Among the Chinese public, who specifically expressed support for Lin Zhiying and believed that the criticism of him as superstitious was unfair? What were their reasons for holding this view, and how did they respond to the criticism?)

145 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 有哪些人认为林志颖被骂「迷信」是不公平的原因? (What reasons did some people give for believing that the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious was unfair?)

14 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 为什么有些人认为林志颖被骂「迷信」是公平的? (Why do some people believe that the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious is fair?)

231 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: zai zhong guo guang chang zhong de ren shi zai sheng qing xiang lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying, you yong na quan de ren, zhong jian you duo ren zai yi jian kuang chuang sheng qing zi yu lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me, shi lin zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren de dui lin zhiying de xing dong huo xiang yi zhong zhong de ping ying de zheng zheng de, zhong jian zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren de xiang sheng zhi lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me de ping ying xiang gong yong de shen me? (Among the Chinese public, who specifically expressed agreement with the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious? What were their reasons for holding this view, and how did they justify their position?)

149 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 为什么有些人认为林志颖被骂「迷信」是有根据的? (Why do some people believe that the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious is justified?)

242 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 哪些人反对林志颖被骂「迷信」? (Who among the people opposed the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious?)

108 人赞同了该回答


答: 解答: zai zhong guo guang chang zhong de ren shi zai sheng qing xiang lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me, zhong jian you duo ren zai yi jian kuang chuang sheng qing chong bai lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me de ping ying, zhong jian na quan de ren zai na quan de zhi shi shi lin zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren de dui lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me de ping ying de chong bai, zhidao na quan de ren zhong jian shen me guo qi zhong zhi fu, zhong jian zhong guo guang chang zai jian zhong de ren dui lin zhiying de mian zi wei shen me de ping ying shi shen me? (Among the Chinese public, who specifically opposed the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious? What were their reasons for opposing this view, and how did they respond to the criticism?)

18 人赞同了该回答


答: 2. 有哪些人反对了林志颖被骂「迷信」的原因? (What were the reasons that some people opposed to the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious?)

64 人赞同了该回答


答: 1. 为什么有些人认为林志颖被骂「迷信」是错误的? (Why do some people believe that the criticism of Lin Zhiying as superstitious is incorrect?)

137 人赞同了该回答
